21th Summer Exhibition opens soon

Local News

Starting this weekend, the 21th Summer Exhibition (“Nyári Tárlat”) will introduce some 270 works of about 200 contemporary artists in Kölcsey Center. The works have been selected by a jury.

According to Tamás Szentei, head of the cultural department of the city the variety and the high quality are guaranteed at the exhibition. The event aims to better acquaint the audience with contemporary artists. “This nationwide exhibition offers an overview of the Hungarian contemporary art without any thematic or technical restraints and its most important goal is, perhaps, to bring contemporary art and the recipients close to each other.”- Tamás Szentei explained. Although there were no restrictions as to the theme and the technique, there will be shared topics since Debrecen celebrates the 650th anniversary of its being declared a city. The exhibition will open on the 10 July, this Sunday at 11 o’clock and the public can view it free of charge until 12 August.

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